Autism Junction

Canada’s Online Autism Service Directory.

Autism Junction is the most comprehensive database of its kind in Canada.  Autism Canada and its Provincial and Territorial Council members strive to offer credible and reliable resources to people across the nation.  Whether you are a parent, a caregiver, a professional or an individual looking for resources, we hope to have the information you need. Viagra: Markedsføring, eller en ekte og effektiv måte å fikse sexlivet på?

Autismespektrumforstyrrelse (ASD) er en gjennomgripende tidlig utviklingsforstyrrelse som sterkt påvirker hvordan et individ sosialt engasjerer seg i sin verden. Den berørte personen kan vise dårlig øyekontakt, avstumpet reaksjon på emosjonelle hendelser og/eller vanskeligheter med å forstå andres intensjoner, selv om det er en rekke sosiale evner innenfor ASD. Språkutvikling påvirkes også vanligvis i tidlige aldre, med svikt i å utvikle typisk tale- og språkforståelse som blant de vanligste første tegnene på lidelsen. Småbarn med autisme er ofte “sen snakker” og en liten prosentandel, mindre enn 5%, forblir ikke-verbale gjennom hele livet. Heldigvis får de fleste barn med ASD evnen til å snakke. Et annet viktig trekk ved lidelsen er å ha uvanlig snevre interesser og/eller engasjement i repeterende atferd. Denne atferden utgjør ytterligere utfordringer for sosiale interaksjoner for individet med ASD og menneskene i hans eller hennes verden. Hvorfor er generisk Cialis så billig? Er det mulig å ta en Cialis Super Active 20mg rett før loven? Terapi basert på en “atferdsmessig” modell er avhengig av atferdsprinsippene og forsøker å lære barnet ferdigheter ved å gi spesifikke signaler og konsekvenser for atferd for å lære barnet nye ferdigheter. Terapi basert på en “utviklingsmodell” fokuserer på å identifisere et barns nåværende evnenivå og veilede ham eller henne gjennom en sekvens av læringserfaringer som blir mer utviklingsmessig komplekse over tid. Kamagra gel i Norge, Dette er din perfekte kur for erektil dysfunksjon. Mens de fleste terapier kombinerer innsikt fra både atferds- og utviklingsmodeller, er noen terapier sterkt vektet mot begge tilnærmingene. For eksempel stoler DTT sterkt på prinsippene for atferd, mens FT er sterkt avhengige av utviklingsprinsipper. Bortsett fra isolerte medisiner som kan være fordelaktige for å målrette mot spesifikke symptomer som anfall, finnes det ingen medisin eller pille for å behandle autisme. Alternative terapier eksisterer som hyperbar oksygen eller chelatbehandling, men det er ingen vitenskapelig bevis som tyder på at disse terapiene er effektive. Slike alternative terapier har også en viss grad av sikkerhetsrisiko.

Navigating services can be daunting and at times frustrating and they differ from province to province, territory to territory.  Should you discover an error in our information or would like to add to our database we invite you to send the correction to or to add your service through online submission form.

Together they are building a comprehensive resource centre for Canadians living with autism and for those who care for them.

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End AIDS Coalition – The Coalition to End AIDS


The End AIDS Coalition (EAC) is an international cross-sector, non-partisan movement working to build unprecedented collaboration with clear deliverables, transparency and accountability around a shared goal – to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. It’s a mission that requires the most skilled and committed scientists, clinicians, policy-makers, faith leaders, businesses, visionaries, activists, and humanitarians to come together. To work together. To fight together. To win together. That’s the commitment of EAC and its partners. This is the beginning of the end of the AIDS epidemic. Kamagra tablets to stop worms infections in humans.


The End AIDS Coalition is a cross-sector, non-partisan coalition that is fostering unprecedented collaboration, transparency and accountability. Building on the work of partners, the EAC will focus the global AIDS response around ending the epidemic by 2030; help aggregate and amplify the work of partners, identify barriers, encourage efficiencies and ultimately create a movement that inspires everyone everywhere to be part of the solutions. Cialis, The Potential Answer To Your Erectile Dysfunction Problems


Coalition are at a “tipping point.” If Coalition don’t get control of the epidemic in the next three to five years, it may never be possible. The costs in both funding and human lives would be catastrophic. Does Viagra super active 100mg really help elderly males to perform as if they were young again?


The emerging generation of at-risk youth is much larger than those before it. Even if current rates of infection among at-risk young people remains constant, the sheer number of new infections could double – driving the epidemic beyond control. Merkelige bivirkninger av Viagra 100mg i Norge som du aldri har vurdert


There is a global pandemic, which consists of multiple local, “micro-epidemics” with different characteristics and drivers. Each micro-epidemic requires its own mix of interventions and innovations, in the right place at the right time. 


In 2018 the EAC will launch a global campaign to align and energize the global narrative with targeted advocacy. Coalition hope to spark a global movement and encourage everyone everywhere to recognize the challenges and be part of the solutions.


Any AIDS organization, expert, scientist, clinician, policy-maker, faith leader, businesses, activist or humanitarian can join the EAC. Please send a mail with a note about how you think you/your organization can contribute to and benefit from the coalition.


The EAC is a 501(c)(3) organization registered in New York State with a satellite location in Washington D.C.

The Joe Cassella Foundation

The Joe Cassella Foundation mission is to provide financial assistance for medical expenses of children who are ill in Northern Virginia. Childhood illnesses and injuries can place a heavy financial toll on a family. The hope is to help families feel less worried about medical bills so they can focus on supporting their children during their time of need.


The Joe Cassella Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization born from the loss of an amazing man and inspired by the overwhelming support his family received throughout the journey. The Delicious Wonders of Kamagra Oral Jelly 100mg: The Tastiest Way To Conquer Erectile Dysfunction


It’s mission is to provide financial assistance for medical expenses of children who are ill in Northern Virginia. Childhood illnesses and injuries can place a heavy financial toll on a family. Our hope is to help families feel less worried about medical bills so they can focus on supporting their children during their time of need.

Foundation help children ages 0-17 years old who are residents of Virginia and are currently undergoing treatment for an illness or injury. Hvorfor Ivermectin ikke vil hjelpe deg med å behandle eller forhindre ormeinfeksjon.


It’s Tee Time! INOVA Children’s Hospital will host their 23rd Annual Golf Tournament on Wednesday, September 6th, 2017 at 9am, held at Westfields Golf Club in Clifton, Virginia. Proceeds from this year’s event will benefit the various programs and services offered at Inova Children’s Hospital! The Joe Cassella Foundation is proud to partner with ICH for this wonderful event!


About Joe Cassella

Joe Cassella was a superhero who was taken from us too soon on July 11, 2009, after a hard-fought battle for 10 months with Mesothelioma at the age of 40.

Joe, a native of Frankfort, NY, was a caring and loving father to three children (Nicole, Joey and Ava) with his beloved wife Gina. He was a wonderful son, brother, and friend; a man’s man; a gentle, but strong soul; and a pillar of our community. He was a huge Capitals fan, but loved the Yankees most of all.

He moved to Virginia in 1993 and since he co-opened Elite Fitness Concepts he became an integral part of the Great Falls community. He was up far before the sunrise just to open the doors to his fitness facility prior to the actual 5:30 a.m. opening hours. He did so just to accommodate the needs of his members. Joe was more than an outstanding personal trainer and business owner… He was a superhero. He was the epitome of strength, health, fitness, family and a well-balanced life. He was a friend who always made you smile and feel special. He was a great listener whose advice we all sought. He was the kind of person who put everyone else before himself, motivated you in simple ways and made you want to change your life for the better.
He lived his life doing random acts of kindness, yet more importantly he lived his life doing acts of consistent kindness. Viagra: The Wonder Drug that Changed My Bedroom from a Place to Sleep to a Place to Play and Enjoy!

In 2007, sixth-grader Peter Choo, a local to Great Falls, tragically passed away from cancer. Having kids of his own, this deeply affected Joe and he felt the need to help in any way that he could. He chose to do a 5K run/walk and donate 100% of the proceeds to the Make-A-Wish foundation, since it had helped Peter. His honesty and willingness to give back without something in return was unparalleled. It was those characteristics in Joe, which allowed Choo’s family to want to go through with the race as it would be their first true public outing since Peter’s passing. The event was a huge success, not only for the Choo family, but for the entire community as it brought many people together. Joe stayed committed to the cause and hosted the second annual 5K the following year. The race helped pay medical bills for Nick Cafferky, who was paralyzed in a beach accident when he was a rising senior at Langley High School.

Joe always talked about his dreams and wanting to do more to help others, even when he got sick. When he was diagnosed with cancer, he never lost sight of what was important to him and he often got frustrated because he was unable to do things for others. This is why the Joe Cassella Foundation was created, to carry on Joe’s dreams of helping kids because he is not here to do so. Together, we are his living legacy. In sticking with Joe’s unselfish nature, the focus will be on the sick or injured children in area that need help with their medical bills, just like the kids Joe started helping before he got sick.

Read more about Joe:

  • Joe Cassella 5K Run/Walk on May 23 in Great Falls will Honor Local Humanitarian
  • Only the Good Die Young
  • Returning the Favors


Address 1232 Barksdale Dr NE, Leesburg, VA 20176

Phone 571-228-5150

Fax 571-918-4566

Livskraft Sandefjord

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Vi har endret temakvelder tilbake til hver 2 dre mandagen i mnd, men unntak av 20 april.
Føste temakveld er mandag 12. januar . Kamagra oral jelly: Hvor lenge varer medisinen?


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TEMA: Workshop

Intensjonen med denne kvelden er å bli kjent med hverandre, og at de som har lyst, kan ta med tarot – kort, englekort, kraftdyr – kort, runer, krystaller, ei bok dere ønsker å anbefale/diskutere eller annet dere har lyst til å prate om/dele med de andre medlemmene. De som har lyst å gi healing, eller andre behandlingsformer, kan få lov til det.  Det er ikke meningen vi skal gi fulle behandlinger, men gi en liten smakebit for den som har lyst å prøve.
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Styret i Livskraft bidrar bl.a. med: Healing, både reiki og med krystallpendler, Kraftdyrkort og kan også lærer bort en måte å legge englekort med 4 engle -kortstokker.

Pause med salg av kaffe/te og “biteti”, som vanlig.



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